I was lucky enough to be able to read an e-book by Chantel Rhondeau let me start out by saying that I've never heard of her but she is wonderful.Now I used to be a fan of romance books but they all got boring because it was pretty much the same thing in every book never any action.
This was this book I got to read it's called Crime & Passion and trust me there is a lot of both in this book.I was hooked from the start it started with a new girl in town who finds a dead body on the beach and let's just say things get crazier after that.Never really a dull moment it kept me wanting to read on so I can find out more it even felt like I was in the book living as a character.I hardly find books like this I never wanted to put it down but of course having a 14 month old she has my attention but anytime she went down for a nap my eyes were glued to my i phone reading. I say if you're a big fan of romance but getting tired of the usual give her books a try and i'm sure you'll fall in love.
Here is the direct link to her page with other books she's written and also the amazon link to Crime & Passion.
Thank you so much for the great review!